4th Dutch Bio-Medical Engineering Conference 2013
24-25 January 2013, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands

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Programme Information

Plenary sessions
Invited speakers will open each plenary session.
Parallel sessions
Each parallel session will have 5 submitted presentations of 15 minutes each (10 minutes presentation, 5 minutes discussion). It is intended that presentations (oral and poster) are about your research, at present and in the recent past, also presentations given on previous (and other conferences than BME) conferences will be accepted. The presentations should be representative about the research of the group. In the abstract up to 5 references to the work of the research group can be included.

Poster sessions
The posters are devided over 2 sessions. (exact time schedule follows after authors notification)
Session 1: Thursday January 24 at …..hrs :  the Even poster numbers
Session 2: Thursday January 25 at …..hrs: the Odd poster numbers
The maximum size of the poster for the exhibition is A0 (1189 x 841 mm) in portrait

Programme Committee:
Professor Jenny Dankelman    Delft University of Technology (TUDelft)
Professor Peter Veltink           University of Twente (Utwente)
Dr. Theo van Walsum               Erasmus University