Duration of presentations: 15 min. including 5 min. discussion. All presentation should be given in English.
Projector: Every Lecture Room is equipped with a projector connected to a laptop with CD drive and USB stick. No other laptops may be connected to the projector. On the laptop, Windows XP, PowerPoint and Acrobat are installed. Speakers who wish to use the projector are requested to upload their presentation on the laptop in the Lecture Room where their presentation is scheduled during the break or lunch before their session. They may ask for assistance of the session chair.
Poster sessions
The posters will devided over 2 sessions.
Session 1: Thursday January 24 at (to be announced in the program): the Even poster numbers
Session 2: Thursday January 24 at (to be announced in the program): the Odd poster numbers
The maximum size of the poster for the exhibition is A0 (1189 x 841 mm) in portrait.